As the leader in electrical training, the electrical training ALLIANCE has developed a state-of-the-art computer mediated curriculum to teach students the basic knowledge needed to begin their career right out of high school with related instruction advancement in the electrical apprenticeship – Interim Credentials.
World Class Training

Interim Credentials is brought to you by the electrical training ALLIANCE (etA), the leading publisher of education materials for the professional electrical industry. For over 80 years, the etA has delivered the only electrical curricula to be endorsed and utilized by the industry’s largest organizations – the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA). Aimed at training the best electrical workers the industry has to offer, the etA is the result of a strong partnership between the two organizations. It has developed into the largest apprenticeship and training program of its kind, training over 40,000 apprentices a year to obtain journey-level status through local training centers all over the United States. This is in addition to the one million journey-level electrical workers employed by our contractors each year, serving as mentors and instructors to etA apprentices, who help them learn from the best in the industry. With our training resources, regionalized apprenticeship curriculum and advanced learning technologies, the etA brings a new level of quality education to the classroom and can train students better than any other curriculum available.

Why Interim Credentials?
- Up-to-Date content in a high demand occupation.
- Doesn’t require specialized training of teachers.
- Accessible at both school and home.
- Provides technical support and guidance.
Interim Credentials is the result of over 80 years of curriculum development and real world experience of the IBEW/NECA Electrical Industry. The vast careers of more than 4,000 instructors throughout 277 electrical training centers have provided the expertise to train over 5,000 electrical apprentices each year, resulting with the knowledge and skills to successfully work in rewarding electrical careers.
This five-course curriculum provides a head start into the most successful electrical apprenticeships in North America! It also prepares individuals with a solid electrical knowledge to enter a technical college electrical program or any electrical registered apprenticeship program.
Interim Credentials Courses
The electrical training ALLLIANCE developed the Interim Credentials course to extend their electrical knowledge and resources to high schools and community colleges to provide more career pathways that lead to the electrical industry. Interim Credentials is a cutting-edge curriculum that has taken the courses in their first year inside apprenticeship program and redeveloped them in a new, trailblazing way that is delivered completely online and more easily consumed and understood by younger students. Not all electrical courses and their curricula are developed using teaching methodologies and activities that target this group. In fact, many don’t. Why should high school students be using an electrical curriculum designed for adult learners? Now they don’t have to!
States Currently Using Interim Credentials

Interim Credentials was first implemented in 2018 with a soft launch using a small set of seven schools for beta testing. Since then, it has grown by leaps and bounds. With over 20 states and nearly 80 schools have adopted the curriculum, and the number keeps growing daily. The curriculum works for any school size. Do you have a school in mind that already has an electrical teacher and lab? Wonderful! Your teacher can easily adapt to using our curriculum combined with their knowledge of electrical theory and ability to provide hands-on activities to supplement the curriculum. Perhaps you have a small, rural school that really needs to offer a career and tech course that will benefit your students. No electrical instructor, no lab – no problem! Interim Credentials works for you, too! The course has been developed so that it contains everything your students need to learn the content successfully, including two free online textbooks. Even hands-on activities are simulated online for your students to understand how the lessons apply to real-world applications in the workplace. All they need to access it is an up-to-date laptop and internet access.